RSD Systems Development and User Experience (UX)


Why Get The RSD?

To gain knowledge and understanding of the development of systems and how this is achieved using a range of systems development life cycle models (SDLC).
To focus on how to establish the user and technical requirements of the system and the considerations to make when developing a user interface.

Learning Outcomes

Understand the development lifecycle of a system.
Understand software and data system construction.
Understand system design, implementation and testing.
Understand how to create a positive user experience.
Be able to develop and test prototypes.

Entry Requirements

Relevant Work Experience in The Field/ High School Level Qualification

Course Content

Systems development lifecycle models (SDLC).
Problems that can occur from not using a lifecycle model.
Benefits of developing lifecycle of a system.
User requirements.
System requirements.
Change requests.
Software development methodologies.
Software programming languages.
Information flows.
Business case.
System implementation and testing.
Evaluating a system.
Version control.
Software support and maintenance.
Laws and regulations.
Principles of creating a positive user experience.
Positive and negative aspects.
Measure success and impact.
Addressing the differing needs of target audiences.
User interface wireframe (UX).
Documentation and processes for training end users.
User interface prototype.
Evaluate the success of the products usability.
Test plan.
Comparing actual outcomes with expected outcome and suggest resolution for failed plan.