RSD Computer-based Research Methods


Why Get The RSD?

To get an understanding of different computer-based research methods.
To plan your own research using associated techniques.
To carry out a research project based on an area of interest within the computing technologies field.

Learning Outcomes

Understand the use of computer-based research methods.
Understand the components of research.
Be able to prepare for a computer-based research project.
Be able to carry out an independent computer-based research project.

Entry Requirements

Relevant Work Experience in The Field/ High School Level Qualification

Course Content

Types of computer-based research methods.
Importance of research projects.
Primary and secondary data.
Qualitative and quantitative research.
Considerations to determine the appropriate method.
Stages in conducting research.
Regulatory and legal considerations.
Ethical considerations.
Research for decision making.
Preparing for a computer-based research project.
Measure the success of a research project.
Carry out an independent computer-based research project.