RSD Business Strategy


Why Get The RSD?

It supports the development and enhancement of strategic thinking and planning that will improve organisational performances of businesses in their respective competitive markets.
It would develop students’ awareness of the different types of strategic approaches that could be used in an operational, tactical or strategic role for an organisation.
It would provide knowledge and understanding of strategy to make a positive, efficient and effective contribution to the development of business plans and operational direction.

Learning Outcomes

Analyse the impact and influence that the macro environment has on an organisation and its business strategies.
Develop a strategic management plan in an organisation, informed by models, theories and concepts, to achieve competitive advantage in a given market sector.
Assess an organisation’s internal environment and capabilities.
Apply the outcomes of an analysis, using an appropriate strategic management tool, in a given market sector.

Entry Requirements

Relevant Work Experience in The Field/ High School Level Qualification

Course Content

Meaning and role of Strategy.
Strategic planning techniques.
Analytical frameworks of the macro environment.
Organisational internal environment.
Analytical tools and models of analysis.
Measuring strategic outcomes.
Strategic management planning.
Strategic choices and directions.
Models, theories and other strategic concepts.