RSD Enterprise Resource Planning Systems


Why Get The RSD?

To gain knowledge and understanding of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems.
To learn system principles, their use and the benefits they can bring to an organisation.
To focus on the cost, planning and training associated with implementing and running these systems in an organisation.
To cover professional practice and the role of ethics and codes of conduct in relation to computing systems.

Learning Outcomes

Understand the characteristics of ERP systems.
Understand organisational benefits of ERP systems.
Be able to plan the implementation of ERP systems.
Understand ethics and codes of conduct in computing systems.

Entry Requirements

Relevant Work Experience in The Field/ High School Level Qualification

Course Content

Purpose, features and principles of an ERP System.
ERP and management information systems (MIS).
Manufacturing environments.
Benefits of ERP systems for the Management.
Other benefits.
ERP software and costs involved.
User requirements document.
Quality assurance techniques.
Risks involved in implementing quality assurance techniques and risk management.
Test functionality.
Training and support requirements.
Test plan and its scope.
Strategic plan.
Ethics in computing systems.
Ethical behaviour examples.
Ethical decision-making steps.
Working with third party providers.
Roles in computing systems.
Legislative and regulatory obligations.